
Q&A on these 2 courses and on the Zachman Framework (abbreviated below as ZFW)

Q : I know the Zachman Framework is considered the “original” idea behind EA, but is it still relevant in todays fast moving world?

A:  More than ever, the ZFW is relevant. As technology and business scenarios move faster and faster, it is imperative that there must be a stable way to classify assets and viewpoints of your  enterprise, and to give those in strategic planning, programme/project management, a stable position to view the moving scenarios. Reminiscent of the statement attributed to Archimedes "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth.” Just like Newton, and Einsteins ideas, discoveries of “natural laws” become more useful over time.

Q: We are committed to TOGAF (or any other methodology), so why do we need to care about the ZFW?

A:    The ZFW is technology neutral, AND methodology neutral. AND the ZFW is the scientific basis. You need it because it give you the ability to use the technology and methodology you have chosen, in a much more organised, efficient and insightful way. Methodologies like TOGAF will work very well together with the logical asset classification and reification provided by the ZFW. (what is the scientific basis for you to determine your “Building Blocks?”).

Q:    I have heard about the ZFW, and I think it’s great. That there is recognition, that naturally,  there are six “interrogatives” or aspects, and that there are six “views” of the enterprise. But why do I need to attend these courses?

A:    Firstly, all great ideas are very simple in their logic. But, their use depends on going deeper, and understanding the detailed rationale. E.G everybody can quote E=MC2, but few can explain why, much less make use of the formula for major system creation and decision making. These two courses do just that for you.
Secondly, there is so much “opinions” in the industry, that there is a need to be put things in the right perspective, so that YOU can decide and act correctly. Now that EA is mainstream, you want to make sure that everyone relevant to strategic initiatives in your organization knows what EA is and, perhaps more importantly, how to exploit it. The consequences of misunderstanding and of not correcting the misunderstanding, is expensive chaos.
Finally, it is surprising how many “experts” claim to “know” the ZFW and offer consultancy on EA, when they have not even bothered to read his papers. When YOU know the truth, you will set yourself apart from them and be able to articulate the benefits of EA to your organisation/clients, and help accordingly.

Q: I have heard that listening to John Zachman is an enlightening experience that brings out the essence of EA. Why can’t I just read his papers and act on them?

A:   Hearing it from the “horses mouth” is always infinitely best. The inspiration that you will get from being with John Zachman himself will carry you to new heights in your career.

Q: What is the difference between the 1 day and the 4 day event?

A:    The 1 day event is meant for everyone who is involved in any way with EA. irrespective of job title. These include people who have to make strategic business decisions, those who are responsible for technology decisions, and those who need to ensure alignment between them. Busy top level executives who cannot spare more time will find this a day that gives them an invaluable insight into their roles, and ability to engage those who report to them.

The 4 day event is a certification level workshop, meant for you or your staff, who have to manage or “do” the work of EA. Particularly, those who are already TOGAF certified (not a prerequisite) will find that the workshop makes it very clear, why and how the critical activities specified in the TOGAF methodology (or other) should be done.

Q:  Does my job title need to be “Enterprise Architect” to benefit from these courses?

A:   If your job title says “EA” then you should attend these courses. At the same time, any role that involves Strategic Decisions, Operational Design/Planning,  Governance (like audit, oversight, alignment that ensure technology serves business intentions), Outsourcing (demand or supply side) where it is essential that SLAs and contracts are crafted to be mutually beneficial and profitable.

Q: what happens after the courses, where can I get support or advise if I need.

A:   Info Spec Sdn Bhd and TheAnalyst Sdn Bhd, the pioneers of EA here, have always been close partners of John Zachman. We stand committed to the ZFW and to helping you work with your existing suppliers/partners, not to replace them.